Jan 26, 2007

The Nth word !!!

"I do not know where family doctors acquired
illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless,
extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality
counterbalancing indecipherability,
transcendentalizes intercommunications

saw anything funny there? confusing? interesting?....

This is a sentence where the Nth word is N letters
long. e.g. 3rd word is 3 letters long, 8th word is 8
letters long and so on.....

now read that again!!!!

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Jan 25, 2007

crazy..these women..

for women drivers and for men who want to laugh at them..from me on this women bashing day...


boy & girl....!!!

How a BOY withdraws cash from ATM

1. Park the car
2. Go to ATM Machine
3. Insert card
4. Enter PIN
5. Take money out
6. Take ATM Card out
7. Drive away

How a GIRL withdraws cash from ATM

1. Park the car
2. Check makeup
3. Turn off engine
4. Check makeup
5. Go to ATM
6. Hunt for ATM card in the purse
7. Insert card
8. Hit Cancel
9. Hunt in purse for chit with PIN written on it
10. Insert card11. Enter PIN
12. Take cash
13. Go to car
14. Check makeup
15. Start car
16. Stop car
17. Run back to ATM
18. Take ATM card
19. Back to car
20. Check makeup
21. Start car
22. Check makeup
23. Drive for 1/2 mile
24. Release handbrake
25. Drive on .....

Jan 24, 2007


now see this pictures...have a closer look and it should tell u the power of imagination..Frankly I mistook them as simple pencil drawings.......
for more u can go here....

Jan 23, 2007

Bangalore burns..!!

Bangalore burns !!!!
Thanks to this man, by the name Jaffer sheriff and a few cohorts of his, the IT city may soon be dumped as one of the most hostile parts of otherwise strife torn india...

It confuses me why after almost half a month of Saddam execution, should there be violence in India, any protest for that matter?

Did India hang the dictator, who when alive was anything but never a "Muslim leader"....

It confuses me as to why the day of protest was choosen to coincide with the Virat Hindu Sammelan going on there on the same day?

Jaffer sherrif is desperate, my friends in Bangalore tells me... loosing clout, unable to do anything..had been minister for long, still greedy, want to tell Manmohan singh and the lady at 10 janpath that he is a force to reckon with....

Wah bhai wah.....

Now will some one catch and hang such sly and self centered eccentrics who pretends to be politicians?...